Friday, October 10, 2008

One big spoonful of SUCKY

Jason and I went to Santa Barbara for my 10 year college reunion last weekend and it's taken me this entire week to even write about it... that's how wonderful it was. Here's why:

It all started with an eight hour car rides with an 9 month old ... which in itself isn't horrible, but in light of the rest of the events, just adds to the weekend. Within 2 hours of reaching Santa Barbara I started not feeling well, only to start throwing up at 3 am. It was so bad, I moved a chair into the bathroom so I didn't have to sit on the floor anymore, or even move for that matter. I pretty much just sat and puked. Anyway, just as I finished releasing anything solid or liquid from my body, Jason got sick. Luckily I was no longer puking when Jason started in, so I became the nominee to watch Kalyn.

Side note ... to any of you mothers who still have to mother when you're sick ... we deserve awards or medals or something.

Back to the story ... so, I was looking forward to nap time, getting some rest and taking a break from my still queasy stomach and pounding headache ... but wishful thinking seeing as Kalyn needed to go down in a pack-n-play, in a room with linen drapes (so it was extremely bright), and next to the bed where her puking father lay ... lets just say the nap didn't happen. Ahhhhh! This is where I felt like falling to my knees and asking, "Why me, God. Why me?" in a very whiny voice.

So, I stayed at home, feeling like crap and taking care of my now sick husband and nap-refusing daughter ... and all the while missing EVERY reunion event the entire weekend. I was really looking forward to catching up with classmates I haven't seen in 10 years. I was bummed, bummed, bummed. .I'm still bummed when I think about it. And being sick away from home is sucky on top of sucky. And just to top it off, we had one more 8 hour car ride home with the same pounding headache I'd nursed all weekend.

So, if you're wondering why I titled this "one big spoonful of sucky" ... now you know.


The Malloy Family said...

Oh man! I'm SO SORRY! That would be awful!!! I hope Kalyn didn't get sick too! Good grief!

Living on Purpose said...

That royally sucks. I felt so bad for you when I heard!!

YOu are right - it is awful to take care of a babe when you are sick AND your husband is sick. The only thing worse is when the babe is sick too. At that point I just want MY mommy. Sometimes a mom needs HER mom!!

"Intentionally Katie" said...

I'm so sorry you were sick...IN CALIFORNIA!!! I was sick as a dog last weekend and can't imagine what I would have done if Mike was sick too. And we weren't home. ANd I were missing a reunion.

That really bites.

Anonymous said...

It WAS sucky!! but i have to say, you were an amazing sport!! i was amazed at your doting on Kalyn despite being so sick!! i wish things would have been soooo different. :(

The Tappans said...

That totally sucks! Dustin and I think that is exactly what Hell would be like for us, one big puke fest and all of us have to take care of a baby in the middle of it!! Oh and look there's another reason to love Jesus!

Dana said...

I am so sorry for you! The Mom is not supposed to get sick! I'm glad that we at least got a few minutes with you at the middle of that crazy weekend. Hopefully our paths will cross again...without the flu! Miss you. Here's my blog: justjonesingaround.blogspot.