Friday, October 17, 2008


I turned 33 on the 15th. Wow, 33! I don't feel it at all ... well, except for the morning when I roll out of bed and walk like a 80 yr old man for the first 30 steps. Oh yeah, and when I see my face wrinkle when I smile. Oh, and when I go clothes shopping and actually wonder, "is this too young for me, do I need to dress older?" I don't even know where to shop to get "older looking clothes." Maybe I am feeling older, I just haven't been aware of all the signs ... well up until now, that is. Ahhhhh, I should have left it alone, "ignorance is bliss."

None the less, as I get older and older, I look forward to my birthday less and less. I remember as a kid making those chains where you tear off one link everyday until B-Day. It's funny though, every year as I think about it less and less , my birthdays get progressively better and better. Maybe it's because I'm not expecting anything ... then bamb ... it's a really good day.

My highlights: the ladies at work made t-shirts (contribution of Rachael) and cupcakes the day before the big day; I dressed Kalyn and I alike (I better do it now when she is still unaware); Joanne took me out to Starbucks in the morning, which in itself would have made my day; to Rubios for lunch with Rachael; talked to all my family; got lots of texts and calls from friends; took a short siesta; watched a movie; and Paradise Bakery for dinner.

Now that's a good day!


Joanna said...

Happy birthday Robin! I feel like I'm working with you again just reading through your blog and your funny sayings :). Your little girl looks just like you! Glad you had a good birthday, I think you're the type of person who will always be young at heart.

The Malloy Family said...

WAIT A MINUTE!!! Does Kalyn have HAIR?!?!?!?
I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday tonight!!! Hooray for 33!!!

Dana said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY...a little late. Thanks for sharing your fun day. I love Paradise Bakery!!

I keep thinking the same thing, when did we get into our thirties? Aren't we still 20? You will always be young and hip, Robin!

Oh, and let me know where you are going to shop for "older looking clothes." I need to go there also.

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Those shirts are AWESOME! Happy birthday, Robin!!!